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    TinkR and Profile picture of JamesJames are now friends

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    • TinkR … Dear Niece Greetings from the lazy, hazy, crazy land of Colorful Colorado … Good tidings to you in the Fatherland .. Soon you & Matt will be heading into the mountains. Then on to Sweden. Enjoy your weekend. ….. Jim

      • Hey uncle Jim, we just talked about our past Xmas trip to Denver…missing the family and the mountains…but now we are looking forward to our trip to sweden… So many month to wait…sending lots of love to you

  • Matt .. Book arrival today .. Congratulations on a fantastic publication. It certainly is the ‘ SOUL of SOCCER ‘ .. well done… a welcomed addition to all coaches, players, sports broadcasters & all that have an intense interest in soccer. Also you are the first family member that has had a book published. I relay a sincere salute from us all ..…Read More

  • Dear Nephew … MATT …. OKAY .. yes the website came up … I imagine it was just a minor GLITCH .. these events are quite common in CYBERSPACE .. Do you folks get NETFLIX ? It seems to be the only site worth viewing. Many series to choose from. TV is so bloody useless except for news & sporting events. … Say Hello to All … Jim

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