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Decolonize your mind, break free from colonial timekeeping, and embark on a truly authentic, cosmic journey with the Peopleize World Calendar.

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Discover a revolutionary way to experience time, where every day is an opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself, nature, and the cosmos. The Peopleize World Calendar isn’t just another tool for scheduling your life; it’s a transformative experience designed to elevate your personal connection with the universe around you.

Why This Calendar is Essential for You:

The Peopleize World Calendar places you at the center of your own story. It’s not about just managing tasks or organizing appointments, it’s about celebrating your life, fostering daily positivity, and aligning your journey with the rhythms of the natural world. This calendar understands that your life is more than just a series of dates and events; it’s a dynamic, ever-evolving experience.

With the Peopleize World Calendar, each day becomes an opportunity to reflect on your place in the world and to celebrate your unique journey. It’s a tool for self-discovery, designed to help you cultivate a deeper understanding of who you are and how you connect with the world around you.

Key Features:

Innovative Calendar Design:At the heart of the Peopleize World Calendar is the concept of the “SunRun,” which represents Earth’s journey around the Sun. This journey, unchanging and consistent for millions of years, serves as a powerful metaphor for the passage of time. Each SunRun marks a full 365 (or 366) days, corresponding to the time it takes for Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun. This concept not only represents the passage of time but also reflects the enduring rhythm of our planet’s cosmic dance.

The Peopleize World Calendar begins its count at 690000, a number chosen for its symbolic significance. The numbers 6 and 9 mirror each other, representing balance and reflection. This starting point is a reminder that time is not just a linear progression but a cycle that is constantly renewing itself. The calendar’s design is anchored in this idea of balance, helping you to see your life as part of a greater, harmonious whole.

Mayan Calendar Integration: Incorporating the Mayan 19-month cycle, modernized for today’s world, this system includes 18 months of 20 days each, followed by a final short month named N Equinox spanning 5 days. The Mayan calendar’s precision and complexity offer a profound connection to celestial movements.

Decolonized and Bias-Free: Redefining traditional timekeeping, the Peopleize World Calendar removes biases and colonial structures, offering a global, inclusive perspective that honors all cultures and peoples.

Personalization: Begin by setting your birth year as the anchor for your unique timeline. Seamlessly navigate through months, add personal notes, and explore interconnected cycles like moon phases and zodiac signs. Customize the calendar with themes and colors that resonate with your style.

Universal Month Names: Each of the 19 Winals (months) is named after celestial bodies and Earth elements, fostering a deep connection to the solar system and the natural world. This system nurtures a profound appreciation of our place in the cosmos, aligning your life with nature’s cycles.

A Journey Through the Winal (Months):

Each of the 19 Winals (months) in the calendar is named after a celestial body or Earth element, emphasizing our connection to the universe and nature. These names aren’t just labels—they’re reminders of the cosmic forces that shape our lives:

  • N Equinox 1 ?: Embrace balance in your life, just as the equinox brings balance to day and night. Occurring twice a year, the equinoxes are when day and night are approximately equal in length. The best time to observe this balance is in N Equinox and M Equinox, when the Sun is positioned directly above the equator, offering a perfect moment to reflect on balance in life.
  • Mercury 2 ?️: Symbolizes communication and swift movement. Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is best seen during its greatest elongations, which occur several times a year. Mercury is known for its quick thinking, communication, and adaptability.
  • Fire 3 ?: Represents transformative power. Fire is one of the four classical elements and is associated with energy, assertiveness, and passion. This month encourages transformation and creativity, much like how fire changes everything it touches. The element of fire is a symbol of purification and dynamic change.
  • Venus 4 ?: Celebrates beauty and harmony. Venus, often called the evening or morning star, represents love, beauty, and harmony. It’s best seen either just before sunrise or just after sunset. This month invites a focus on relationships, aesthetics, and the pursuit of balance in all things.
  • Water 5 ?: Honors life-giving properties. Water is the essence of life, covering over 70% of Earth’s surface and essential for all living organisms. This month invites a deep connection to emotions, intuition, and the flow of life. Water symbolizes adaptability and fluidity, qualities essential for navigating life’s currents.
  • M Solstices 6 ?: Marks extremes of daylight. The solstices, occurring around June 21st and December 21st, mark the longest and shortest days of the year. The summer solstice celebrates the height of the Sun’s power, while the winter solstice represents the return of light. These are powerful times for reflection and renewal.
  • Neptune 7 ?: Linked to deep realms and dreams. Neptune, the blue planet named after the Roman god of the sea, is associated with dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. It’s best viewed during its opposition, typically in September. This month encourages exploring your deepest thoughts and dreams, and connecting with the hidden layers of your psyche.
  • Jupiter 8 ?: Reflects abundance and expansion. Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is associated with growth, prosperity, and wisdom. It is best observed during its opposition, usually in July or August. This month encourages expansion in all areas of life, fostering generosity and optimism.
  • Saturn 9 ?: Embodies discipline and time. Saturn, known for its stunning rings, is a symbol of structure, discipline, and the passage of time. Saturn’s influence teaches patience and perseverance. The best time to observe Saturn is during its opposition in August or September.
  • M Equinox 10 ?: Marks seasonal change. Like the N Equinox, this month celebrates the transition between seasons. It is a time to acknowledge changes in nature and within oneself, preparing for the new cycles ahead. The equinox is a perfect reminder of the equilibrium between light and dark, growth and rest.
  • Wind 11 ?: Symbolizes the breath of life. Wind represents change, communication, and the unseen forces that shape our world. This element is connected to freedom, movement, and the breath that sustains life. The month of Wind invites you to embrace flexibility and the power of ideas.
  • Sky 12 ?: Represents the mystery of the heavens. The sky is a vast canvas of stars, planets, and cosmic phenomena. This month is about exploring the unknown and embracing wonder. The Sky invites you to look up and contemplate the infinite possibilities above and within.
  • Sun 13 ☀️: Celebrates central energy. The Sun is the source of all life on Earth, symbolizing vitality, growth, and enlightenment. This month honors the Sun’s central role in our lives and encourages living with purpose and radiance, much like the Sun’s constant, life-giving energy.
  • Pluto 14 ?: Symbolizes transformation. Pluto, though small, holds great significance as a symbol of transformation, rebirth, and the cycles of life. The dwarf planet is linked to profound changes and regeneration. Observing Pluto requires a telescope, as it is faint and distant, much like the inner transformations it represents.
  • N Solstices 15 ?: Marks the return of light. The winter solstice, occurring around December 21st, is the shortest day of the year, followed by the gradual return of longer days. This month is about celebrating the renewal of light and life, a time for reflection and new beginnings.
  • Mars 16 ♂️: Reflects action and courage. Mars, the red planet, is associated with energy, courage, and determination. It is best viewed during its opposition, usually occurring every two years. This month encourages bold action and the pursuit of your passions with determination and strength.
  • Thunder 17 ?️: Emphasizes storm power. Thunder symbolizes the raw power of nature, representing strength, energy, and sudden change. This month is about harnessing your inner power and embracing the storms of life, knowing that they bring necessary change and renewal.
  • Uranus 18 ?: Reflects cosmic dynamism. Uranus, known for its unique tilt and dynamic rings, represents change, innovation, and the unexpected. The best time to view Uranus is during its opposition, typically in October, when it is closest to Earth. This month encourages embracing the new and the unknown.
  • Rain 19 ?️: Represents renewal and growth. Rain is essential for life, nurturing the Earth and allowing growth. This month is about embracing renewal, cleansing, and the continuous cycle of life. Rain symbolizes the nourishment that leads to new beginnings and flourishing.

Mayan Inspiration:

Drawing from the Mayan 19-month cycle, this calendar brings ancient wisdom into the modern world. The Maya’s advanced understanding of time and the cosmos is reflected in this calendar, which emphasizes a deep connection to nature and celestial cycles.

How to Use the Peopleize World Calendar:

  1. Setting Up: When you first open the app, set your birth year to personalize your timeline. This will serve as the starting point for your unique calendar experience.
  2. Navigating the Calendar: Use the TabView to scroll through different months and years. Swipe left or right to move between months or use the navigation controls to jump to specific dates.
  3. Adding Events: Tap the “Zoom” button to add new events to your calendar. You can input details about your events and set reminders.
  4. Managing Notes: In the NumberBoxDetailView, you can add or edit notes for each day. Use the TextEditor to write and save notes about significant moments or personal reflections. You can also delete notes if needed.
  5. Exploring Celestial Cycles: View moon phases, zodiac signs, and other celestial details that are integrated into your calendar. This feature helps you connect with the cosmic rhythms and align your activities with natural cycles.
  6. Customizing Your Calendar: Personalize your calendar by selecting themes and colors that suit your style. Adjust the appearance to make your calendar experience more enjoyable and tailored to your preferences.

Why Choose the Peopleize World Calendar?

This isn’t just a calendar—it’s a companion for your life’s journey. It’s a tool that empowers you to live more intentionally, connect with the natural and cosmic cycles that influence your life, and celebrate each day as a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Start Your Journey:

Begin your experience with the Peopleize World Calendar today. Personalize it, embrace the positivity it offers, and let it guide you to a deeper connection with yourself, the world, and the universe.