- 9 v 9 Outside Zone game - Outside zone game.
- 9 v 9 Game with defensive zone in front of goal by MNO - Game with defensive zone.
- Kaan Freistoss - Game
- 8 v 8 Verteidigung trap spiel in der Offensiv 1 3 - Verteidigung trap spiel in der Offensiv.
- 8 v 8 with center double zone - Center double zone.
- 8 v 8 defensive trap with confrontation line training attacking third - Defensive trap.
- 8 v 8 Defensive Falle mit Konfrontation Linie Training attacking dritten - Defensive Falle mit Konfrontation Linie Training.
- 8 v 8 game with middle zone by Matthew - Middle zone game.
- 4v3 Transition game - Transition game.
- 4231 - Game.
- 4 3 3 Pressing in Attacking 1 3 player movement - Player movement.
- 4 4 2 build up center and switch option - Build up and switch.
- 4 4 2 build up wide option MNO - Build up wide option.
- 4 3 3 Pressing in Attacking 1 3 Tactical Player Movement by Matthew - Tactical movement.
- 4 3 3 Pressing in Attacking 1 3 Tactical Player Movement - Tactical movement.
- 4 v 2 transition to 6 v 4 possession - football is the best in the world
- 4 3 2 1 Tactical Attacking Movement Direct Play To Beat Trap by Matthew - Tactical Attacking Movement.
- 4 3 2 1 Attacking Movement Direct Play To Beat Trap Second Option - Attacking movement.
- 4 2 3 1 Tactical Defensive Movement With 30 Meter Line of Confrontation by Matthew - Tactical defence.
- 4 2 3 1 Tactical Defensive Movement With 30 Meter Line of Confrontation - Tactical Defence.
- 4 3 2 1 Attacking Movement Direct Play To Beat Trap First Option by Matthew - Attacking movement.
- 4 3 2 1 Attacking Movement Direct Play To Beat Trap First Option - Attacking movement.
- 4 Verteidiger training - Verteidiger training.
- 4 1 4 1 MC - 4-1-4-1 MC.
- 4 v 4 transition Ballbesitz Spiel - Transition Ballbesitz Spiel.
- 4 v 4 Mit Torspiel - Mit Torspiel.
- 4 v 3 Transition game by Matthew - Transition Game.
- 4 v 4 position game with 4 outside players - Position game.
- 4 v 2 transition to 6 v 4 possession - Transition to possession.
- 4 v 4 game with 4 outside players - Game with 4 outside players.
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